Hi there…..
Great start today….went out for a ten mile bike ride by the beach…..as I was riding I was thinking how lucky I really am to live so close to the ocean….I’m grateful for a lot of things today…..one of those is that we live in a incredible nation….do we have out issues of course we do…..but we have freedom…. tumblr_np6hx0zrf71ssvisbo1_540
I also thought how lucky I am that my business is growing…to the point that I actually interviewed a recent interior design grad to help me.. I’m not sure if he will come a board yet….but the thought of him helping me grow  my business to the next level is amazing…. I’ll let you know for sure…tumblr_novsgaj5Jk1rvnhllo1_540

Wishing you all a happy safe forth of July!
my name